喻晶华, 郭建, 郭jian, 曾福祥, 唐光华
四川省计划生育科学研究所生理室. 四川,成都(610041)
转铁蛋白抑制FSH诱导卵泡颗粒细胞分化的主要机理是: 转铁蛋白部分地抑制FSH与卵泡颗粒细胞上的受体结合, 减少细胞内cAMP生成, 进而抑制了FSH受体的维持表达; 转铁蛋白对抑 制素及雌二醇生成的影响还存在着cAMP以后(或以外)的作用部位; 转铁蛋白的作用机理不涉及影响蛋白激酶C系统的活性及钙离子释放过程, 且与颗粒细胞的“增殖-分化相逆机理 ”无关。表6参23
关键词: 转铁蛋白; 卵泡颗粒细胞; 分化; FSH; 雌二醇; 孕酮; 抑制素
The inhibitory effect and its mechanism of transferrin on FSH-induced diffferentiation of granulosa cells
Yu Jinghua, Guo Jian, Guo Jing, Zeng Fuxiang, Tang Guanghua
Department of Reproductive Physiology, Sichuan Family Planning Research Institute. Chengdu,Sichuan
Trabsferrins are a class of related metal-binding transport glycoproteins for transporting iron to various organs and tissues of the body. In recent years, it has been reported that the transferrin can play an important role in the local regulation of ovarian function, apart from its iron-binding characteristic. Transferrin could attenuate FSH-induced differentiation of rat and human granulosa cells and its mechanisms were considered: Trabsferrins paritally blocked the binding of FSH with its receptors on granulosa cells and reduced the formation of intracellular cAMP, and therefore inhibited the expression of FSH receptors. Acting sites beyond cAMP formation also existed for the inhibitory effect of transferrin on hihibion and estradiol production. The inhibitory effect of transferrin seemed not to be involved in the changes of protein kinase C activity, the calcium release and “proliferation-differentiation reversed mechanism” in granulosa cells.
Key words: Transferrin;Granulosa cells;Differentiation;FSH;Estradioll;Progesterone; Inhibin
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喻晶华, 郭建, 郭jian, 曾福祥, 唐光华. 转铁蛋白对FSH诱导卵泡颗粒细胞分化的抑制作用及其机理[J]. 生理学报 1994; 46 (3): .
Yu Jinghua, Guo Jian, Guo Jing, Zeng Fuxiang, Tang Guanghua. The inhibitory effect and its mechanism of transferrin on FSH-induced diffferentiation of granulosa cells. Acta Physiol Sin 1994; 46 (3): (in Chinese with English abstract).