ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q


粪产碱菌(Alcaligenes faecalis)对稻根氧化还原特性及水稻多元酚和内根际激素水平的影响

林敏, 尤崇杓

中国农业科学院原子能利用研究所. 北京(100094)


以水稻和固氮粪产碱菌为材料, 研究接种对水稻根部氧化还原特性和内根际激素水平的影响, 从分子水平上阐明联合体系的形成与作用机理。图2表6参22

关键词: 水稻根表; 粪产碱菌; 超氧化物歧化酶(SOD); 多元酚; 内源激素

Effect of Alcaligenes faecalis on the redox properties of rice roots and level of phytohormone in the endorhi zosphere

Lin Min, You Chongbiao

Institute for Application of Atomic Energy, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Beijing


Inoculation of rice plant with associative diazotroph A. faecalis A1501 (wild type) enhanced redox ability of rice roots, stimulated superoxide dismutase(SOD)activity, and increased resistance of rice seedlings against high or low temperature in laboratory and field experiments. Inoculation might also decrease polyphenol oxidase and increased the content of polyphenolics in rice seedlings. Extracts of polyphenolics from inoculated rice roots could stimulate N_(2)-fixing activity and chemotaxis of A. faecalis. Strain A1501(nif~(+)) and mutant A1506(Nif~(-)) changed the level of phytohormone, increased the content of IAA and Z in the endorhizosphere, and promoted the growth of rice plants. The number of lateral roots and root hairs of inoculated rice plants were much higher than that of the control.

Key words: Rice rhizoplane;Alcaligenes faecalis;Superoxide dismutase(SOD);Polyphenolics;Phytohomone

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林敏, 尤崇杓. 粪产碱菌(Alcaligenes faecalis)对稻根氧化还原特性及水稻多元酚和内根际激素水平的影响[J]. 生理学报 1994; 46 (3): .

Lin Min, You Chongbiao. Effect of Alcaligenes faecalis on the redox properties of rice roots and level of phytohormone in the endorhi zosphere. Acta Physiol Sin 1994; 46 (3): (in Chinese with English abstract).