杨振芳, 幺淑珍
天津医学院解剖教研室. 天津(300070);天津医学院卫化教研室. 天津(300070)
SD大鼠iv不同剂量的血管紧张素II(AngⅡ)后饮盐水量明显增加。切除肾上腺的大鼠也出现强烈的饮盐水行为, 但给予适量的醛固酮可消除这种行为。脑室内注入巯甲丙脯酸可阻断iv Ang Ⅱ所引起的大鼠的饮盐水行为。对AngⅡ的作用机理进行了探讨。
关键词: 血管紧张素Ⅱ; 静脉灌流; 巯甲丙脯酸; 钦盐行为
Effect of angiotensin on salt intake behavior of rat
Yang Zhenfang, Yao Shuzhen
Department of Anatomy, Tianjin Medical College. Tianjing
Intravenous infusion of various doses of AngⅡ caused significant increses of the salt intake in S-D rats as a result of natriuretic action of the drug. The phenomenon could be abolished by administration of aldosterone but unaffected by drenalectomy. Captopril could suppress the AngⅡ effect. Discrepancies with a previous work on the interpretation of the action mode of AngⅡ were discussed.
Key words: Aug Ⅱ;Intravenous infusion;Captopril;Sodium intake
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杨振芳, 幺淑珍. 血管紧张素对大鼠饮盐水行为的作用[J]. 生理学报 1994; 46 (2): .
Yang Zhenfang, Yao Shuzhen. Effect of angiotensin on salt intake behavior of rat. Acta Physiol Sin 1994; 46 (2): (in Chinese with English abstract).