ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



石刚刚, 魏东升, 许绍芬

上海医科大学神经生物学教研室. 上海(200032)


κ,μ,δ亚型选择性激动剂U-50488H、羟甲基芬太尼(OMF)、吗啡、D-ala-D-Leu-enkephalin(DADLE)以及广谱激动剂依托啡都可引起猪冠状动脉肌条的收缩, 收缩强度以U-50488H>吗啡>依托啡>OMF.DADLE, 上述作用均呈量效关系。图3参11

关键词: 冠状动脉; 阿片受体; 纳洛酮; 氟哌啶醇

Effect of agonists of opioid receptor on coronary arterial strips in porcine

Shi Ganggang, Wei Dongsheng, Xu Shaofen

Department of Neurobiology, Shanghai Medical University. Shanghai


Selective agonist of K(U-50488H),u(ohmefentanyl OMF) and B(morphine and DADLE) receptor and wide spectrum agonist of opiod receptor etorphine all produced thew contraction of stripsdose-dependently. The order of the effect was U-50488H>morphine>etorphine >OMF, DADLE. Nalowone did not antagonize but increase the effect, or even produce contraction of the strips by itself. Haloperidol inhibited the contraction of fthe strip produed by U-50488H noncompetitively, also in a dose-dependent manner, probably without involving dopamine mechanism.

Key words: Coronary artery;Opioid receptor;Naloxone;Haloperidol

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石刚刚, 魏东升, 许绍芬. 阿片受体激动剂对猪冠状动脉肌条作用的研究[J]. 生理学报 1994; 46 (2): .

Shi Ganggang, Wei Dongsheng, Xu Shaofen. Effect of agonists of opioid receptor on coronary arterial strips in porcine. Acta Physiol Sin 1994; 46 (2): (in Chinese with English abstract).