ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



孙桂荣, 张桂芳, 魏英杰, 杨殿生, 张景祥, 田字彬

佳木斯医学院生理教研室. 黑龙江,佳木斯(154002);上海第二医科大学新华医院. 上海(200092)


ip汉防己甲素, 大鼠血糖明显低于对照, 血清胰岛素水平高于对照, 血浆胰高血糖素明显低于对照, 糖耐量曲线下血糖面积低于对照。预防组胰岛β细胞数目及胰岛素分泌颗粒的含量均与正常大鼠胰岛相同, 无形态学改变, 而对照组胰岛内β细胞免疫反应阳性产物减少甚至消失。结果表明, 汉防己甲素对四氧嘧啶引起的胰岛β细胞急性损伤有保护作用。图4表2参9

关键词: 汉防己甲素; 四氧嘧啶; 糖尿病

Protective effect of tetrandrine on pancreatic islet cells damaged by alloxan in rats

Sun Guirong, Zhang Guifang, Wei Yingjie, Yang Diansheng, Zhang Jingxiang, Tian Zibin

Department of Physiology, Jiamusi Medical College. Jiamusi,Heilongjiang;China(200092)


Tetrandrine injected intraperitoneally could prevent rats from diabetes induced by allowan. Immunohistochemical observation of islet B cells confirmed that TET couldd markedly prevent B cells from injuries induced by alloxan and there was no obvious change in the appearance of islet B cells in the preventive group . The results suggested that TET could protect pancreatic islet B cells from injuries caused by Alloxan.

Key words: Tetrandrine;Alloxan;Diabetes

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孙桂荣, 张桂芳, 魏英杰, 杨殿生, 张景祥, 田字彬. 汉防己甲素对四氧嘧啶引致大鼠胰岛β细胞损伤的保护作用[J]. 生理学报 1994; 46 (2): .

Sun Guirong, Zhang Guifang, Wei Yingjie, Yang Diansheng, Zhang Jingxiang, Tian Zibin. Protective effect of tetrandrine on pancreatic islet cells damaged by alloxan in rats. Acta Physiol Sin 1994; 46 (2): (in Chinese with English abstract).