ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



包仁德, 李慈珍, 刘远谋, 徐有秋

上海第二医科大学生理教研组. 上海(200025)


α受体激动对绵羊心脏浦肯野纤维产生延迟后除极(DAD)有轻度增强作用, 但由DAD引起的触发活动, α受体阻滞剂的抑制作用不如β受体阻滞剂有效。

关键词: 延迟后除极; 心脏浦肯野纤维; 乙酰毒毛旋花子甙元; α受体

Effects of alpha-adrenoreceptor excitation on the delayed after-depolarization of sheep cardiac Purkinje fibers

Bao Rende, Li Cizhen, Liu Yuanmou, Xu Youqiu

Department of Physiology, Shanghai Second Medical University. Shanghai


By using acetyl strophanthidin 0.2#mu#mol/L, the delayed after depolartization was induced in sheep cardiac purkinje fibers and recorded woth intra-cellular microoelectrode. The reslts indicate that excitation of alph-receptor had only slight augmentation effect on DAD. However, for the triggered activity induced by DAD, the inhibitory effect ofbeta-blockers are stronger than that alpha-blockers.

Key words: Delayed aftsr-depolarization;Cardiac Purkinje fibers;Acetyl strophanthidin;#alpha#-adrenoceptor

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包仁德, 李慈珍, 刘远谋, 徐有秋. α受体激动对绵羊心脏浦肯野纤维延迟后除极的影响[J]. 生理学报 1994; 46 (2): .

Bao Rende, Li Cizhen, Liu Yuanmou, Xu Youqiu. Effects of alpha-adrenoreceptor excitation on the delayed after-depolarization of sheep cardiac Purkinje fibers. Acta Physiol Sin 1994; 46 (2): (in Chinese with English abstract).