ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



姜德鸣, 范存正, 高蓓蓉, 王伯扬

复旦大学生命科学学院. 上海(200433)


比较了受指令食指屈曲运动和自我起始食指屈曲运动的人脑运动前准备电位(BP)。BP在受到指令之前已经开始, 指令前那一部分BP即BP早期部分与运动无关。研究了下意识眨眼运动、指令眨眼运动和自我起始眨眼运动。下意识眨眼运动时, BP起始时无早期成分, 明显较另外两种眨眼运动的BP为短。表明BP的早期成分是由于在后两种有意识活动参与的眨眼运动中, 心理活动产生的直流慢负成分, 而与运动起始或运动准备无关。

关键词: 运动前准备电位; 事件相关电位; 随意运动; 眨眼运动; 下意识运动

Two components in bereitschaftspotential

Jiang Deming, Fan Cunzheng, Gao Beirong, Wang Baiyang

School of Life Science, Fudan University. Shanghai


There is no significant difference between BP onsettimes of the two kinds of movement and that BP occurs before the instruction of movement.The early componen of BP,i.e. the negative wave before the presentation of instruction, has no relationship with movement preparation.It was found that BP onsettime of unconscious eyeblink. the results suggest that the BP early component is elicited by psychological factors, rather than the result of the preparatory process of movements in the brain.

Key words: Bereitschaftspotential(BP)or readiness potential(RP);Event related potential (ERP);Voluntary movement;Eye blink movement;Unconcious movement

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姜德鸣, 范存正, 高蓓蓉, 王伯扬. 人脑运动前准备电位(BP)的两种成分[J]. 生理学报 1994; 46 (2): .

Jiang Deming, Fan Cunzheng, Gao Beirong, Wang Baiyang. Two components in bereitschaftspotential. Acta Physiol Sin 1994; 46 (2): (in Chinese with English abstract).