ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



沈茂星, 张健, 赵玉玲, 张熊德, 朱培闳, 杨俐苹

中国科学院上海生理研究所. 上海(200031);华东师范大学化学系. 上海(200062)


以XSJ-2型荧光显微镜为基础, 建立了测定细胞内自由钙的显微荧光光度计。对荧光显微镜主要作了如下改动: 交流汞灯被换成直流氙灯; 光路中安装了镶有两块干涉滤色片的激发滤色片转盘, 使生物样品交替地被两种不同波长的光激发。整套装置的运转在微机控制下。在这套装置上, 成功地用Fura-2测定了细胞内自由钙变化, 文中提供了应用实例。

关键词: 显微荧光光度计; 细胞内自由钙

Construction of microfluorometer and its application for measuring intracellular free calcium

Shen Maoxing, Zhang Jian, Zhao Yuling, Zhang Xiongde, Zhu Peihong, Yang Liping

Shanghai Institute of Physiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences .Shanghai; China(200062)


A microfuluorometer used for measuring intracellular free calcium has been constructed.This system wa based on an XSJ-2 epifluorescence microscope with the following modification. First, the AC mercury lamp was replaced bby a DC xenon lamp to provide a stable light source.Second, anexcitation filter wheel incorporatingtwo interference filters was inserted in the lighgt path allowing the bilogical sample to be excited alternately by lights of two different wavelength.

Key words: Microfluorometer;Intracellular free calcium

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沈茂星, 张健, 赵玉玲, 张熊德, 朱培闳, 杨俐苹. 测定细胞内自由钙的显微荧光光度计的研制和应用[J]. 生理学报 1994; 46 (2): .

Shen Maoxing, Zhang Jian, Zhao Yuling, Zhang Xiongde, Zhu Peihong, Yang Liping. Construction of microfluorometer and its application for measuring intracellular free calcium. Acta Physiol Sin 1994; 46 (2): (in Chinese with English abstract).