ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



王坚, 董维嘉, 陈继生, 刘建瓴

南京铁道医学院听觉生理研究室. 江苏,南京(210009)


无钙液鼓阶灌流使听神经动作电位(CAP)、耳蜗微音器电位幅度可逆地下降, 但不明显改变CAPI/O曲线的非线性特征。无钙外淋巴灌流并不改变蜗内直流电位(EP)以及用缺氧法得到的 负相EP(N-EP), 但使EP对强声给一撤时的快速变化趋于消失。还讨论了这些耳蜗生物电改 变所提示的钙离子作用的可能机制。图3表1参10

关键词: 钙离子; 耳蜗电图; 蜗内直流电位; 外淋巴灌流

Effects of lowing perilymph calcium concentration on various cochlear potentials

Wang Jian, Dong Weijia, Chen Jisheng, Liu Jianling

Hearing Research Laboratory, Nanjing Railway Medical College. Nanjing,Jiangsu;China(210009)


Changes in compound action potentials of auditory nerve(CAP), cochlear microphonics(CM) and endocochlear potentials were observed when the calcium concentration of perilymph was reduced by means of perilymph perfusion, with the aim of analyzing how calcium was involved. Perfusion with Cd~(2+)-free artificial perilymph reversibly suppressed both CAP and CM amplitudes, but did not a ter the basic nonlinear propertres of CAP I/O curve. Furthermore, the perfusion did not alter the EP and negative EP (n-EP) induced by anoxia but eliminated the fast change of EP with respect to turning on and off of intense sound. The mechanisms underlying the effects of calcium are discussed.

Key words: Calcium;ECochG;Endocochlear potential;Perilymph perfusion

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王坚, 董维嘉, 陈继生, 刘建瓴. 降低外淋巴钙浓度对耳蜗电位的影响[J]. 生理学报 1994; 46 (4): .

Wang Jian, Dong Weijia, Chen Jisheng, Liu Jianling. Effects of lowing perilymph calcium concentration on various cochlear potentials. Acta Physiol Sin 1994; 46 (4): (in Chinese with English abstract).