ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q




用氚标记依托啡[~(3)H]-etorphine与兔脑匀浆蛋白作受体结合试验,Scatchard分析的结果显示兔脑内的阿片受体有高低两种亲和力结合, 对照组兔脑高亲和力解离常数K_(dI)为2.57±0.33nmol/L, 氟哌啶醇(hal)或针刺引起镇痛时, K_(dI)值分别降至1.44 ±0.03nmol/L和1.53±0.05nmol/L(P<0.05); 当hal和针刺合用进一步加强镇痛时, K_(dI)值进一步降至1.25±0.33nmol/L(P<0.01), 提示在hal加强针刺镇痛时兔脑阿片受体的亲和力提高。兔脑同[~(3)]-etorphine作体外受体结合放射自显影, 结果显示hal加强针刺镇痛时, 尾核、视前外侧区、丘脑室旁核、中央正中核、丘脑背外侧核和中脑导水管周围灰质等脑区的阿片受体结合密度均有显著提高。上述结果提示, 多巴胺受体拮抗剂hal加强针刺镇痛的机制之一, 可能是由于产生了脑内阿片受体的上行调节。图2表2参14

关键词: 针刺镇痛; 氟哌啶醇; 氚标记依托啡; 多巴胺受体; 阿片受体; 受体调节

The potentiation effect of haloperidol on the binding of etorphine to brain membranes in acupuncture analgesia


[~(3)H]-etorphine was used in receptor binding studies on membrane preparation from rabbit brain. Scatchard analysis revealed that rabbit brain had two different affinity binding sites. In the high affinity site, the dissociation constant(K_(d1)) of the control group was 2.57±0.33 nmol/L. When analgesia was induced by haloperidol or acupuncture, the K_(d1) values decreased respectively (P<0.05) to 1.44±0.03 nmol/L and 1.53±0.05 nmol/L. These K_(d1) values further decreased to 1.25±0.03nmol/L when acupuncture analgesia was potentiated by combined action of acupuncture and iv. haloperidol(P<0.01). In case of autoradiographic analysis of brain slices showed that the density of opioid receptors in many brain regions, such as N. Caudatus, preoptic lateral area, N. Paraventricularis, N. Centromedianus, Periaqueductal gray, showed significant increase, results indicating that the uprgulation of opioid receptors in rabbit brain may be one of the mechanisms in the potentiating action of haloperidol on acupuncture analgesia.

Key words: Acupuncture analgesia;Haloperidol;[~(3)H]-etorphine;Dopamine receptor;Opioid receptor;Receptor regulation

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. 氟哌啶醇在增强脑膜与依托啡结合的同时加强针刺镇痛[J]. 生理学报 1994; 46 (4): .

. The potentiation effect of haloperidol on the binding of etorphine to brain membranes in acupuncture analgesia. Acta Physiol Sin 1994; 46 (4): (in Chinese with English abstract).