ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



王丽莉, 贾敬芬

兰州大学细胞生物学研究室. 甘肃,兰州(730000)


酶解处理使小麦叶肉原生质体膜流动性降低, 膜脂过氧化产物丙二醛积累, 说明脱壁过程对细胞有伤害作用, 损伤位点可能发生在膜上。胚性愈伤组织具有分裂能力的原生质体, 不表现上述变化。酶解脱壁还使超氧化物歧化酶和过氧化氢酶活性上升; 过氧化物酶在叶肉原生质体中活性下降, 在胚性愈伤组织来源的原生质体中活性上升。以上结果表明: 在原生质体分离过程中, 细胞的生理特性发生了变化; 膜损伤的发生可能与原生质体能否进入正常分裂状态有关。图6参21

关键词: 酶解脱壁; 小麦; 原生质体; 膜流动性; 自由基

Change of physiological properties of wheat protoplasts during enzymatic digestion

Wang Lili, Jia Jingfen

Cell Biology Laboratory, Lanzhou University. Lanzhou,Gansu


During cell wall digestion in enzyme solution, membrane fluidity of mesophyll protoplasts of wheat decreased, while more MDA, a product of lipid peroxidation, accumulated in comparison with untreated leaf tissus. It suggested that enzyme treatment was injurious to protoplasts from leaves, and the injuring site might be on the protoplast membrane. However, no changes of above mentioned characters were observed in protoplasts isolated from embryogenic calli. In addition, enzyme treatment resulted in an increase in SOD and CAT activity in both leaf and callus protoplasts. POX activity in isolated leaf protoplasts declined, while it rose in callus protoplasts. These results showed that the physiological changes of protoplasts to enzyme treatment during the isolation from leaves were quite different from that of callus protoplasts. Membrane damage of leaf protoplasts might be related to the division ability of protoplasts.

Key words: Enzyme treatment;Wheat;Protoplasts;Membrane fluidity;Free radical

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王丽莉, 贾敬芬. 小麦原生质体分离过程中生理状态的变化[J]. 生理学报 1994; 46 (4): .

Wang Lili, Jia Jingfen. Change of physiological properties of wheat protoplasts during enzymatic digestion. Acta Physiol Sin 1994; 46 (4): (in Chinese with English abstract).