ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



杨伯仪, 王静, 魏顺光, 沈宇乔, 王伯扬



以音调结合气流刺激兔角膜的训练建立瞬膜条件反射。在瞬膜条件反射过程 中, 以小脑皮层为主导, 对瞬膜条件反射的产生和D-I 核的学习相关性电活动 具调制作用。随记忆巩固过程, D-I 核脱离皮层的控制而发展成为这一学习模式 的记忆痕迹基础部位。图5表3参15

关键词: 瞬膜条件反射; 小脑皮层; 齿状-间位核

Modulatory role of the cerebellar cortex during the classically conditioned nictitating membrane response in rabbit

Yang Boyi, Wang Jing, Wei Shunguang, Shen Yuqiao, Wang Baiyang

Sch. Life Sci., Fudan Univ.;Shandong Acad. Med. Sci.


Classical conditioning of the rabbit nictitating membrane(NM) response was accomplished by standard delay procedure of paired tone (CS) and airpuff(US) stimuli. The cerebellar cortex plays a modulatory role in the generationof the conditioned NM response and the development of the learned response of the D-I nuclei at an early stage of learning. With consolidation, the D-I nuclei become free of control from the ccerebellar cortex and serve as the essential component of the memory trace for this model system.

Key words: Nictitating membrane conditioning;Cerebellar cortex;Dentate-interpositus nuclei

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杨伯仪, 王静, 魏顺光, 沈宇乔, 王伯扬. 小脑皮层在兔瞬膜条件反射过程中的调制作用[J]. 生理学报 1991; 43 (2): .

Yang Boyi, Wang Jing, Wei Shunguang, Shen Yuqiao, Wang Baiyang. Modulatory role of the cerebellar cortex during the classically conditioned nictitating membrane response in rabbit. Acta Physiol Sin 1991; 43 (2): (in Chinese with English abstract).