ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



解夏平, 王福庄



电刺激外侧隔区可在海马CA1区锥体细胞层记录到群锋电位, 在CA1辐射层顶 树突记录到兴奋性突触后电位(EPSP)。侧脑室注射微量海人酸损毁海马CA3-CA4 区锥体细胞后; 电刺激外侧 隔区在CA1顶树突不再诱发EPSP, 认为外侧隔-CA1顶 树突的神经联系是通过同侧海马CA3锥体细胞侧支实现的。但CA3—CA4损毁后, 电刺激外侧隔区在海马CA1起层锥体细胞底树突仍可记录到EPSP。图4表1参20

关键词: ; 海马; 海人酸; 场电位

An electrophysiological analysis of pathways from lateral septum to hippocampal CA1 area in rat

Jie Xiaping, Wang Fuzhuang

Inst. Bas. Med. Sci., Acad. Mil. Med. Sci.


Upon stimulating the lateral septal region, a population spike could be recorded in the stratum pyramidale of hippocampal CAl together with a recordable EPSP in the apical dendrites (stratum radiatum). After destruction of hippocampal CA3. CA4 pyramidal cells by intraventricular microinjection of kainic acid, electrical stimulation of the lateral septum could no longer evoke EPSP in the apical dendrites. This experiment suggests that the neural connection of the lateral septo-CAl apical dendrites in mediated by the collaterals of the ipsilateral CA3 pyramidal cells. But after the destruction of CA3, CA4, electric stimulation of lateral septum could still evoke EPSP in the basal dendrites.

Key words: Septum;Hippocampus;Field potential;Kainic acid

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解夏平, 王福庄. 外侧隔-海马CA1通路电生理分析[J]. 生理学报 1991; 43 (2): .

Jie Xiaping, Wang Fuzhuang. An electrophysiological analysis of pathways from lateral septum to hippocampal CA1 area in rat. Acta Physiol Sin 1991; 43 (2): (in Chinese with English abstract).