ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



王建莉, 富维骏, 陈周道, 卢振东



电刺激蓝斑(LC)可使血压升高、心肌收缩力肾交感神经放电增加, 而LC内微 量注射胞体兴奋剂则可降低血压心率及心肌收缩力, 说明电刺激LC引起的加压 反应可能主要是兴奋了过路纤维所致, 而LC本身神经元的兴奋引起的是减压反应 。图4表2参15

关键词: 蓝斑; 血压; 心肌收缩力; 肾交感神经活动; 谷氨酸钠; 海人酸

Effects of stimulation of locus coeruleus on cardiac contractility and renal nerve activity

Wang Jianli, Fu Weijun, Chen Zhoudao, Lu Zhendong

Dept. Physiol., 2d Mil. Med. Univ.


Experiments were performed on 64 cats anesthetized with chloralose- urethane, paralyzed and artificially ventilated. Electrical stimulation of locus coeruleus (LC) elicited increases in BP, HR, LVSP, de/dt max and RNA. Injection of L-glutamate into LC, could decrease BP, HR, LVSP and dp/dt max. The pressor response induced by electrical stimulation of LC might be mediated by the fibers passing through LC, while activation of LC neurons themselves would result in the depressor response.

Key words: Locus coeruleus;Blood pressure;Cardiac contractility;Renal nerve activity;L-glutamate;Kainic acid

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王建莉, 富维骏, 陈周道, 卢振东. 刺激蓝斑对心肌收缩力及肾交感神经放电的影响[J]. 生理学报 1991; 43 (2): .

Wang Jianli, Fu Weijun, Chen Zhoudao, Lu Zhendong. Effects of stimulation of locus coeruleus on cardiac contractility and renal nerve activity. Acta Physiol Sin 1991; 43 (2): (in Chinese with English abstract).