ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



张玮, 傅小锁, 程治平



正常成年大鼠子宫内膜胞浆中游离酪氨酸(Tyr) 浓度随动情周期不同而波动 , 动情前期最低, 动情后情最高。子宫内膜胞浆中孕激素受体(PR)则是动情前 期最高, 动情后期最低。表明Tyr与PR变化呈负相关。当向子宫腔内局部注射Tyr 时 Tyr明显减少动情前期、动情期、间情期大鼠子宫内膜胞浆PR含量, 但对动情 后期PR含量无显著影响。提示Tyr可能影响PR含量。图5参17

关键词: 子宫内膜; 孕激素受体; 酪氨酸

Free tyrosine and progesterone receptor contents in the rat uterine endometrial cytosol during oestrous cycle

Zhang Wei, Fu Xiaosuo, Cheng Zhiping

Dept. Physiol., Harbin Med. Univ.


The content of tyrosine varied at different phases of the oestrouscycle in the normal rat, i.e. being lowest in proestrus and highest in metestrus, while the progesterone receptor content in the same cytosol sample determined by radio-receptor technique showed an opposite relationship. Futhermore, administration of tyrosine to the uterine lumen decreased significantly the contents of progestrone receptor in proestrus, oestrus and diestrus, but not in metestrus. It is suggested that tyrosine might exert a certain regulatory influence on the progestrone receptor content.

Key words: Uterine endometrium;Progestrone receptor;Tyrosine

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张玮, 傅小锁, 程治平. 大鼠子宫游离酪氨酸与孕激素受体含量的关系[J]. 生理学报 1991; 43 (2): .

Zhang Wei, Fu Xiaosuo, Cheng Zhiping. Free tyrosine and progesterone receptor contents in the rat uterine endometrial cytosol during oestrous cycle. Acta Physiol Sin 1991; 43 (2): (in Chinese with English abstract).