ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



潘培森, 张义声, 陈宜张



电刺激氯醛糖和尿酯混合麻醉的大鼠前庭神经, 可在同侧内脏大神经引出一 明确的叠加反应, 增加刺激强度, 反应幅度也增加, 但潜伏期不变。用前庭内 侧核(NVM)的片层场电位作为指标并选择其相位倒转处作刺激点, 可在同侧内脏 大神经记录到潜伏期为32ms的叠加反应, 而同一动物刺激前庭神经入脑处时内脏 大神经反应的潜伏期为43s。NVM头端损毁后, 此前庭-交感反应明显减小, 再损 毁尾端NVM后, 反应消失。损毁Deiters核对该反应无影响。表明NVM在内脏大神 经记录到的前庭-交感反应是一重要的中继站。图5参9

关键词: 前庭-交感反应; 内脏大神经; 前庭内侧核

Role of the nucleus vestibularis medialis in vestibulo-sympathetic response in rats

Pan Peisen, Zhang Yisheng, Chen Yizhang

Changhai Hosp., 2d Mil. Med. Univ.;2d Mil. Med. Univ.; Dept. Physiol., 2d. Mil. Med. Univ.


Electrical stimulation of the vestibular nerve of rats anesthetized with #alpha#-chloralose and urethane elecited a distinct averaged response in the ipsilateral splanchnic nerve. With increasing the strength of stimulation, the amplitude of response was increased, but the laterncy was unchanged. By monitoring the lamellar field potentials in NVM and choosing the locus of phasereversal of field potential as the stimulating site, an averaged response in ipsi-splanchnic nerve with a latency of 32 ms was obtained, while the recorded splanchnic nerve response had a latency of 43 ms, when the vestibular nerve was stimulated. After electrolytic lesion of the rostral part of ipsi-NVM, the vestibulo-sympathetic response was significantly reduced. When a second lesion was placed in the caudal NVM, the response disappeared. Lesion in Deiters^ nucleus had no effect on the vestibulo-sympathetic response. The results suggest that NVM is a critical relay station in vestibulo-sympathetic response recorded in the splanchnic nerve.

Key words: Vestibulo-sympathetic response;Splanchnic nerve;Nucleus vestibularis medialis

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潘培森, 张义声, 陈宜张. 大鼠前庭内侧核在前庭-交感反应中的作用[J]. 生理学报 1991; 43 (2): .

Pan Peisen, Zhang Yisheng, Chen Yizhang. Role of the nucleus vestibularis medialis in vestibulo-sympathetic response in rats. Acta Physiol Sin 1991; 43 (2): (in Chinese with English abstract).