ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



马青平, 韩济生



伏核和杏仁核两核团中任何一个注射微量吗啡, 均可引起另一核团内脑啡肽 和β- 内啡肽的释放增加。提示伏核和杏仁核之间具有功能上的双向联系, 并 可能参与形成脑内镇痛系统中的某种正反馈机制。图4参9

关键词: 伏核; 杏仁核; 吗啡; 脑啡肽; β-内啡肽

The interaction between nucleus accumbens and amygdala in accelerating the release of enkephalins and #beta#-endorphin

Ma Qingping, Han Jisheng

Neurosci. Res. Ctr, Beijing Med. Univ.


Microninjection of morphine 20 #mu#g into nucleus accumbens increased the immunoreactive (ir) enkephalin content in amygdala perfusate and ir-#beta#-endorphin content. On the other hand, microinjection of morphine into amygdala increased the release of ir-enkephalins and ir-#beta#-endophin in the perfusates of N. accumbens. The results indicate the existence of reciprocal reinforcement of opioid release between the two nuclei, which may take part in a putative positive feedback mechanism in the cerebral analgesic system.

Key words: Nucleus accumbens;Amygdala;Morphine;Enkephalins;#beta#-endorphin

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马青平, 韩济生. 伏核和杏仁核在脑啡肽和β-内啡肽的释放中的相互作用[J]. 生理学报 1991; 43 (2): .

Ma Qingping, Han Jisheng. The interaction between nucleus accumbens and amygdala in accelerating the release of enkephalins and #beta#-endorphin. Acta Physiol Sin 1991; 43 (2): (in Chinese with English abstract).