ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q






40℃、1h热激能完全阻止皱叶酸模种子在25℃暗吸胀过程中诱发的二次休眠 。经热激处理的种子萌发率在97%以上, 而对照种子的萌发率仅10%。热激的主 要作用是解除果壳对种子萌发的抑制。3^-脱氧腺苷(3mmol/L)不影响热激的这种 效果, 但蛋白质合成抑制剂—亚胺环己酮(1mmol/L)的存在完全压制了热激的效 应, 种子萌发率仅10%。热激与光(红光) 在阻止酸模种子二次休眠诱发上表现 出添加效应。图3表1参13

关键词: 皱叶酸模; 热激; ; 二次休眠

Effects of heat shock and light on the prevention of secondary dormancy induction in Rumex crispus seeds

Zeng Guangwen

Teaching Res. Sect. Plant Physiol., Zhejiang Agri. Univ.


Induction of secondary dormancy of Rumex seeds at 25-DEGREES-C in the dark was completely prevented by heat shock at 40-DEGREES-C for 1 hour. However, the effect of heat shock was totally eliminated by the presence of cycloheximide, but not by cordycepin. Heat shock greatly released the repression from the pericarp, thus promoted seed germination. Additive effects of heat shock and red light lillumination were observed. Farred light illumination reversed the effect of red light.

Key words: Heat shock;Secondary dormancy;Rumix Crispus ;

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曾广文. 热激和光对阻止皱叶酸模种子二次休眠诱发的效应[J]. 生理学报 1991; 43 (2): .

Zeng Guangwen. Effects of heat shock and light on the prevention of secondary dormancy induction in Rumex crispus seeds. Acta Physiol Sin 1991; 43 (2): (in Chinese with English abstract).