ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



范晓辉, 刘芷宇



水稻、小麦根系H~(+)的分泌量随供磷水平的降低而增加, 存在明显的昼 夜变化。在自然光照下H~(+) 分泌量随光强度增加而增多, 强光比黑暗时H ~(+)分泌对磷供应水平更为敏感。 磷供应不足还诱导水稻根系柠檬酸分泌量 增加, 苹果酸则差异不明显。难溶性磷的溶解率与根系H~(+)和柠檬酸分泌 所导致的根际pH下降有密切联系。图7表3参13

关键词: 水稻; 小麦; 根际; H~(+)分泌; 供磷水平

The relationship between proton extrusion by rice wheat roots and phosphate level in medium

Fan Xiaohui, Liu Zhiyu

Nanjing Inst. Soil Sci., Acad. Sin.


The effects of roots system on medium pH were related to the levels of phosphate supplied. Medium pH declined obviously, as the level of phosphate supplied decreased. under P deficiency stress, more protons were extruded by roots, However, there was a distinct difference in H super(+)-extrusion rate among the various plant species and cultivars. It was observed that the proton efflux by roots was proportional to light intensity, and had a diurnal change. The main organic acids extruded by roots were malic and citric acids. There was a marked inverse relation between P levels and citric acid efflux, the amount of citric acid extruded by rice roots increasing distinctly under P deficiency. And the extent of solubilization of rock phosphate was negatively proportional to rhizophere pH value.

Key words: Phosphate supply;Rhizosphere;H~(+)-extrusion;Organic acid;Insoluble phosphorus

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范晓辉, 刘芷宇. 稻、麦根系H~(+)的分泌与介质磷水平的关系[J]. 生理学报 1991; 43 (2): .

Fan Xiaohui, Liu Zhiyu. The relationship between proton extrusion by rice wheat roots and phosphate level in medium. Acta Physiol Sin 1991; 43 (2): (in Chinese with English abstract).