ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



吴有梅, 华雪增, 方建雄, 刘愚



苹果果实贮藏在高变温条件下(10℃开始, 以后降至0℃)的空气中, 随乙烯 形成酶(EFE)和ACC合成酶活性的增高, 果实内乙烯浓度迅速上升, ACC和MACC 积 累。0℃抑制乙烯生成, ACC和MACC也有积累, 但保持较高的EFE, 促进ACC合成 酶不断上升。低温气调(CA)(3%CO_(2), 3%O_(2)) 显著抑制乙烯生成和相 应的酶活性。高变温下, 先提高CO_(2)浓度至12%, 随温度变化CO_(2)降 至6%, 形成双变气调。双变气调对乙烯生物合成的抑制作用与CA相同。图6表1 参24

关键词: 苹果; 贮藏; 温度; 乙烯生物合成

Effects of storage temperature and atmosphere composition on ethylene biosynthesis of apple fruits

Wu Youmei, Hua Xuezeng, Fang Jianxiong, Liu Yu

Shanghai Inst. Plant Physiol., Acad. Sin.


When apple fruits were stored in high and varied temperatures in air (IV), EFE, ACC synthase, internal ethylene concentrationand ethylene production in flesh tissue increased rapidly in the first 1-2 months, and large quantities of ACC and MACC were accumulated. Low temperature (0-DEGREES-C) inhibited ethylene production, the accumulation of ACC and MACC, but EFE activity was higher, and the activity of ACC synthase was markedly promoted in the later period of storage. At low temperauter storage under controlled atmosphere (II, 0-DEGREES-C) markedly inhibited ethylene production, the accumulation of ACC and MACC and the activities of enzymes involved in ethylene biosynthesis. TDCA (VI) also markedly inhibited ethylene biosynthesis in apple fruits. It indicates that high CO sub(2) can inhibit ethylene biosynthesis, as same as low temperature.

Key words: Apple storage;CO_(2);Temperatuer;Ethylene biosynthesis

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吴有梅, 华雪增, 方建雄, 刘愚. 贮藏温度和气体组成对苹果乙烯生物合成的影响[J]. 生理学报 1991; 43 (2): .

Wu Youmei, Hua Xuezeng, Fang Jianxiong, Liu Yu. Effects of storage temperature and atmosphere composition on ethylene biosynthesis of apple fruits. Acta Physiol Sin 1991; 43 (2): (in Chinese with English abstract).