ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q




第二军医大学神经科学研究所,上海 200433


张香桐(Hsiang-Tung Chang, Xiang-Tong Zhang)在冷泉港讨论会发表著名的《大脑皮层神经元特别注意其顶树突》报告已整整60年。这60年来,由于各种精细技术的发展,许多有关树突功能的认识已经大大推进。我们现在知道:树突在接受刺激而兴奋后,能够顺向、逆向传导;树突有钠锋电位和钙锋电位,有相应的钠电导和钙电导;树突可以接受谷氨酸而兴奋。近来甚至可以用去笼囚谷氨酸方法,在微米尺度上进行化学性刺激,树突上突触后致密(PSD)的分子组构得到定量研究。虽然树突研究的进展很大,但困难仍然不少,如树突棘的整合作用就是一个难点。

关键词: 张香桐; 冷泉港; 树突


[Sixty years after Hsiang-Tung Chang’s presentation on dendrite at the Cold Spring Harbor Symposium.] [Article in Chinese]

CHEN Yi-Zhang*

The Neuroscience Research Institute, Second Military Medical University, Shanghai 200433, China


Sixty years elapsed since Chang (Hsiang-Tung Chang, Xiang-Tong Zhang) presented his seminal report “Cortical neurons with particular reference to the apical dendrite” at the Cold Spring Harbor Symposium. Thanks to the development of elaborated techniques through the 6 decades, our understanding of the dendrite has been pushed forward greatly: the backward and forward conductions during excitation, sodium and calcium conductances, chemical excitation by uncaging glutamate at a dimension of micrometer, and the quantitative study of chemical organization of postsynaptic density (PSD), etc. Though the progression is great, there are still tough problems in dendritic research, especially the integration through dendritic spine.

Key words: Hsiang-Tung Chang; Cold Spring Harbor; dendrite

收稿日期:2012-09-20  录用日期:2012-09-28

通讯作者:陈宜张  E-mail:


陈宜张. 张香桐冷泉港讨论会“树突”论文发表60周年[J]. 生理学报 2012; 64 (5): 499-503.

CHEN Yi-Zhang. [Sixty years after Hsiang-Tung Chang’s presentation on dendrite at the Cold Spring Harbor Symposium.] [Article in Chinese]. Acta Physiol Sin 2012; 64 (5): 499-503 (in Chinese with English abstract).