ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q



俞光弟, 陈劲松, 殷伟平, 印其章

苏州医学院电生理研究室. 江苏


该研究室以往工作表明,下丘脑弓状核(ARC)和蓝斑(LC)在痛觉调制和针刺镇痛中具有重要作用。该实验观察刺激 LC 对清醒制动大鼠 ARC 单位放电的影响。ARC 单位对刺激LC 的反应以抑制为主,在38个单位中有23个单位呈现抑制反应。ARC 单位对外周伤害性刺激的反应以兴奋为主,在27个单位中有20个单位呈现兴奋反应。刺激 LC 可以使 ARC 单位的伤害性反应的持续时间明显缩短。α_(2)受体激动剂(氯压啶)和α_(1)受体阻断剂(酚苄明)能加快ARC 单位的平均放电频率,而β-受体激动剂(异丙基肾上腺素)和β受体阻断剂(心得安)则无明显影响。这些结果提示 LC 的去甲肾上腺素能神经元对ARC神经远的作用是通过α受体实现的。

关键词: 下丘脑弓状核; 蓝斑; 疼痛; 氯压啶; 酚苄明; 异丙基肾上腺素; 心得安

Effect of locus coeruleus stimulation on unit discharge of hypothalamic arcuate nucleus in rats

Yu Guangdi, Chen Jinsong, Yin Weiping, Yin Qizhang

Laboratory of Electrophysiology, Suzhou Medical College. Suzhou, Jiangsu, China


Previous studies in our laboratory have shown that hypothalamic arcuate nucleus (ARC) and locus coeruleus (LC) play an important role in pain modulation and acupuncture analgesia. In the present experiment the effect of LC stimulation on unit discharges of ARC in immobilized rats were examined. The response of ARC units to LC stimulation was inhibitory in nature (23 among 38 units), while the response of ARC units to peripheral noxious stimulation was predominantly excitatory (20 among 27 units). LC stimulation could shorten the duration of noxious response of ARC units, i.e. depress their noxious response. Pharmacological analysis indicated that #alpha#_(2)-agonist (clonidine) and #alpha#_(1)-antagonist (phenoxybenzamine) could increase the average rate of discharge of ARC unit, while #beta#-agonist (isoprenaline) and #beta#-antagonist (propranolol) showed no effects. These results suggest that the effect of noradrenergic neurons of LC on ARC neurons might be mediated by #alpha#-receptors.

Key words: Hypothalamic arcuate nucleus;Locus coeruleus;Pain;Clonidine;Phenosybenzamine;Isoprenaline;Propranolol

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俞光弟, 陈劲松, 殷伟平, 印其章. 刺激蓝斑对下丘脑弓状核单位放电的影响[J]. 生理学报 1985; 37 (2): .

Yu Guangdi, Chen Jinsong, Yin Weiping, Yin Qizhang. Effect of locus coeruleus stimulation on unit discharge of hypothalamic arcuate nucleus in rats. Acta Physiol Sin 1985; 37 (2): (in Chinese with English abstract).