汪萌芽, 沈锷
皖南医学院细胞电生理研究室. 上海, 芜湖 241001;中国科学院上海脑研究所. 上海 200031
关键词: 运动神经元; 兴奋性突触后电位; 下行激活; 腹外侧索; 脊髓; 大鼠
Characteristics of synaptic responses of motoneurons to ventrolateral funiculus stimulation in vitro
Wang Mengya, Shen E
Cell Electrophysiology Laboratory, Wannan Medical College. Wuhu 241001, Shanghai, China;Shanghai Brain Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Science. Shanghai 200031, China
By using the intracellular recording techniques, the electrophysiological character-istics of fast excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSP) evoked by ventrolateral funiculus (VLF) stimulation were analyzed in neonate rat motoneurons (MN) of spinal cord slices.The incidences of VLF-EPSPs was 80% (n = 28 ), among which 2 is preceded by inhibitory postsynaptic potential and 6 followed by slow EPSPs. Considering the distribution skewness of VLF-EPSP latency histogram, it was suggested that short- and long-latency EPSPs correspond respectively to mono- and poly-synaptic transmission respectively. The possible neurotransmitters mediating VLF-EPSPs were excitatory amino acids and non-NMDA receptors were critically involved in these synaptic transmissions,for both VLF-EPSP and glutamate-induced response were similary and almost completely abolished by kynurenic acid and DNQX. Typical spatial summation of VLF-EPSPs and EPSPs evoked by ventral root stimulation were observed in the same recorded MNs.
Key words: Motoneurons;Excitatory postsynaptic potentials;Descending activation;Ventrolateral funiculus;Spinal cord;Rat
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汪萌芽, 沈锷. 离体运动神经元对腹外侧索刺激的突触反应特征[J]. 生理学报 1997; 49 (6): .
Wang Mengya, Shen E. Characteristics of synaptic responses of motoneurons to ventrolateral funiculus stimulation in vitro. Acta Physiol Sin 1997; 49 (6): (in Chinese with English abstract).