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A preliminary study on the construction of the triad medical experimental system

CHEN Ai-Dong1, WANG Jue-Jin1, GAO Xing-Ya1,2,3,*

1Department of Physiology Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing 211166, China;2Experimental Teaching Center of Basic Medicine Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing 211166, China;3Virtual Simulation Experimental Teaching Center of Basic Medicine, Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing 211166, China


The traditional medical experiment based on animal studies fails to reflect competency-oriented goal, and is not closely combined with clinical and scientific research, which does not meet the need for early clinical and scientific training. In order to cultivate the first-class medical talents, medical experimental teaching should conform to the trend of modern medical education, innovate teaching ideas and models, and update the hardware and software in time. Therefore, our teaching center adopts the triad medical experimental system which consists of “animal experiments, human functional experiments, and electronic standardized patient (ESP)- based virtual simulation experiments”, and uses one system to integrate basic and clinical medicine, practice and virtual learning, teaching and scientific training. The system retains the core content of traditional animal experiments, and includes the most mature and widely used human physiological experiments to increase students’ learning experience. With medical simulation experiment, it explains the specific physiological and pathophysiological processes of human body to improve students’ cognitive and thinking ability. Here, we provide a systematic description on our triad medical experimental system, and discuss the experience to establish this novel system.


Key words: triad; functional experiment; teaching reform

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Corresponding author: 高兴亚  E-mail:

DOI: 10.13294/j.aps.2020.0074

Citing This Article:

CHEN Ai-Dong, WANG Jue-Jin, GAO Xing-Ya. A preliminary study on the construction of the triad medical experimental system. Acta Physiol Sin 2020; 72 (6): 724-729 (in Chinese with English abstract).