[Comparison of hemogram changes under chronic intermittent hypoxia in Lasiopodomys mandarinus and Kunming Mus musculus.] [Ariticle in Chinese]
Liu Bin, WANG Zhen-Long, LU Ji-Qi*, YANG Yan-Yan
Institute of Biodiversity and Ecology, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450001, China
Mandarin vole (Lasiopodomys mandarinus) spends almost all of its life underground and must have evolved remarkableadaptations to cope with the subterranean hypoxic stress. The aim of present study is to explore the adaptation mechanism through thecomparison of hemogram changes under chronic intermittent hypoxia in Mandarin vole and Kunming (KM) mouse (Mus musculus).Mandarin vole and KM mouse were treated with chronic intermittent hypoxia (10.0% oxygen), which was maintained by an oxygencabin, for 4 h per day during four weeks. Then blood samples from the animals with and without hypoxia treatment were analyzed bya hematology analyzer. The results showed that under normoxic condition mean corpuscular volume (MCV), mean corpuscularhemoglobin (MCH), white blood cell count (WBC) and platelet (PLT) in Mandarin vole were significantly lower than those in KMmouse. On the contrast, red blood cell count (RBC) and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC) in Mandarin vole werehigher than that in KM mouse. After four-week chronic intermittent hypoxia treatment, the hemogram changes were as following. MCVand HCT were elevated in Mandarin vole, not affected in KM mouse. Both hemoglobin (HGB) content and MCH in KM mouseincreased, while only MCH increased in Mandarin vole. No obvious changes of WBC and PLT were found in two species. These resultssuggest that the adaptive mechanism of blood system in Mandarin vole responding to hypoxic conditions is different from that of KM mouse. As a subterranean vole, the Mandarin vole has a better tolerance to hypoxia.
Key words: chronic intermittent hypoxia; Mandarin vole; Kunming mouse; hemogram
Received: 2009-09-30 Accepted: 2010-03-11
Corresponding author: 路纪琪 E-mail: lujq@zzu.edu.cn
Citing This Article:
Liu Bin, WANG Zhen-Long, LU Ji-Qi, YANG Yan-Yan. [Comparison of hemogram changes under chronic intermittent hypoxia in Lasiopodomys mandarinus and Kunming Mus musculus.] [Ariticle in Chinese] . Acta Physiol Sin 2010; 62 (2): 137-142 (in Chinese with English abstract).