Role of endogenous carbon monoxide in the pathogenesis of hypotension during septic shock
OU He-Sheng, Yang Jun, DONG Lin-Wang, PANG Yong-Zheng, SU Jing-Yi, TANG Chao-Shu, LIU Nai-Kui
Institute of Cardiovascular Research, Beijing Medical University , Bejing 100083, China
A sepsis model induced by cecal ligation and puncture was used to study the role of endogenouscarbon monoxide in hy potension patho genesis of r ats during septic shock. After administr at ion ofzinc deuteroporphyr in 2, 4- bisglycol ( ZnDPBG) , an inhibitor o f heme oxyg enase ( HO) , bloo d pressure( BP) , HO activity and carbon monoxide ( CO) r elease from v ascular muscle tissue were measured. Theresults showed that BP of sepsis rats, including systolic and diastolic arterial BP, decreased significantlywhile HO activ ity and CO content w ere significantly increased. In contrast, after administr at ion of ZnDPBG,BP of sepsis rats was significantly increased while the HO activity and CO pr oduction w ere signif-icantly decr eased. These findings suggest that HO activ ity and CO r elease within vascular musculature areincreased during septic shock; inhibition of HO may elevate BP of rats dur ing septic shock t hrough a decreaseof endogenous CO production. It is co ncluded that endo genous CO derived from v ascular musclecells plays an important role in regulating vascular tone, and the up- regulation of HO act ivity followed bysubsequent CO production contributes to hypotension pat hogenesis during septic shock.
Key words: hypotension; septic shock; carbonmonoxide; hemeoxygenase
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OU He-Sheng, Yang Jun, DONG Lin-Wang, PANG Yong-Zheng, SU Jing-Yi, TANG Chao-Shu, LIU Nai-Kui. Role of endogenous carbon monoxide in the pathogenesis of hypotension during septic shock. Acta Physiol Sin 1999; 51 (1): 1-6 (in Chinese with English abstract).