Electrophysiological characteristics of central neuronal dendrites and roles of dendritic back--propagating action potentials in modifications of synaptic plasticity
Qiao Jiantian, Han Zhongsheng, Qi Jinshun
Laboratory of Neurobiology, Shanxi Medical University.Taiyuan 030001,Shanxi;USA
For expressing the condolences on the passing away of Dr. Hsiang-Tung Chang, one of the distinguished members of the Chinese Academia of Sciences, the pioneer studies on cortical dendritic potentials that Dr. Chang carried out in the 1950s and the prosperous progresses since then, especially, concerning the modifications of synaptic plasticity by the dendritic back-propagating action potentials were briefly reviewed.
Key words: Hsiang-Tung Chang;Cerebral cortex;apical dendrite;dendritic potential;axonal initial segment;dendritic back-propagatingpotential;neuronal synaptic plasticity
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Citing This Article:
Qiao Jiantian, Han Zhongsheng, Qi Jinshun. Electrophysiological characteristics of central neuronal dendrites and roles of dendritic back--propagating action potentials in modifications of synaptic plasticity. Acta Physiol Sin 2008; 60 (2): 293-299 (in Chinese with English abstract).