Effects of Bak Foong Pill and its active components on body functions and gastrointestinal epithelial ion transport
Zhu Jinxia, Chen Xiaozhang
Department of Physiology, School of Basic Medical Sciences, Capital Medical University.Beijing 100069
Bak Foong Pill has been used traditionally for treating gynecological disorders for several centuries but also with a newly modified formula for treating postmenopausal symptoms. Cumulating evidence indicates that Bak Foong Pill acts on multi-systems and affects various organ functions. The present review discusses the effects of Bak Foong Pill and its active components on overall body function, with particular focus on the gastrointestinal epithelial ion transport and the related underlying mechanisms.
Key words: Bak Foong Pill;Tetramethylpyrazine;gastrointestinal tract;epithelial ion transport
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Citing This Article:
Zhu Jinxia, Chen Xiaozhang. Effects of Bak Foong Pill and its active components on body functions and gastrointestinal epithelial ion transport. Acta Physiol Sin 2007; 59 (4): 477-486 (in Chinese with English abstract).