Cui Hong
First Clinical Institute,China Medical University. Shenyang 110001,Liaoning, China
Using reverse transcriptase - polymerase chain reacti on (RT- PC R ) the changes of the angiotensin Ⅱ receptor suhtype 1-a (AT la) and 1-b (AT1b) mRNA levels were examined in hypertrophied ventricles caused by ventral aorta-caval fistula of SD rats. The results show as follows. (1) Three days after operation, the ventricular weight increased significantly, Whereas the level of ATla and A7lb InRNA in both ventricles remained unchanged. (2) Twelve days after operation, the weight increase of both ventricles was more evident, the levels of ATla and ATlb InRNA in the right ventricle increased (by 62.6% and 72.0% ), as compared with control. In the left ventricle, on the other hand, the level of ATla mRNA increased by 79.0%, while the level of ATlh mRNA showed no obvious increase. (3) mrly-five days after operation I the levels of ATla and ATlb mRNA in both ventricles increased still more significant, (ie, 70. 0% and 83. 9%in the right and 96.5% and 86.9% in the left).
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Citing This Article:
Cui Hong. . Acta Physiol Sin 1998; 50 (3): (in Chinese with English abstract).