A fluorescence histochemical study of uterine eosinophilia induced by anororin in immature rats
Yang Yiqian, Wu Xiaoyun, Ren Hueimin, Zhang Shenggen
Shanghai Institute of Planned Parenthood Research;Shanghai Institute of Physiology, Academia Sinica
A fluorescence histochemical demonstration of uterine cositophilia induced by the Anordrin was studied in immature Wistar rats with the following results:
(1) Anordrin induced uterine eosinophilia and a nearly parallel increase in weight. (2) Subcutaneous injection showed much more potent effects than oral administration. (3) After a single injection of Anordrin (100ikg), the induced uterine effects could be noticed in about 24h and thereafter maintained at a high level during the subsequent 2-24 d period which then gradually subsided after 27th day.(4) SIPPR-113, an Anordrin analogue, with lower estrogenicity induced little migration of eosinophils into the uterus and slight increase in uterine weight.
Key words: Uterus;Eosinophil;Anordrin;Estrogenic activity
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Citing This Article:
Yang Yiqian, Wu Xiaoyun, Ren Hueimin, Zhang Shenggen. A fluorescence histochemical study of uterine eosinophilia induced by anororin in immature rats. Acta Physiol Sin 1987; 39 (5): (in Chinese with English abstract).