Vagal nerve stimulation induced suppression of ventricular fibrillation in rabbits
Wang Yunxiang, Jin Jiabu, Wang Fuzhou
Department of Physiology, Fourth Military Medical College
Effect of vagal stimulation on the shortening or suppression of ventricular
fibrillation (VF) induced by single extrasystolic stimulation in acute ischemic
myocardium in rabbits was observed. This shortening effect of vagal stimulation
on the VF was not affected by simultaneous administration of #beta#-adrenergic receptor blocker propranolol. This experiment suggests that enhancement of vagal tone may play a beneficial effect in the termination of VF.
Key words: Acute myocardiac ischemia;Ventricular fibrillation;Vagal stimulation;#beta#-adrenergic blockade
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Citing This Article:
Wang Yunxiang, Jin Jiabu, Wang Fuzhou. Vagal nerve stimulation induced suppression of ventricular fibrillation in rabbits. Acta Physiol Sin 1987; 39 (4): (in Chinese with English abstract).