Application of combination of capillary electrophoresis with laser-induced fluorescence:measurement of glutamate and arginine in PAG microdialytes of conscions morphine-withdrawal rats
Cao Junli, Zhang Yahai, Gu Jun, Zhou Wenhua, Yang Guodong, Zeng Yinming
Department of Anesthesiology,Affiliated Hospital of Xuzhou Medical College,Jiangsu Province Key Laboratory of Anesthesiology. Xuzhou 221002, China;Ningbo Addiction Research and Treatment Center. Ningbo 315010,China
Microdialysis technique in free-moving animals can be used to monitor continuously the chan-ges of many extracellular neurotransmitters in certain brain areas and study the relationship between neuro-transmitter and functions. Using detection of capillary electrophoresis combined with laser-induced fluores-cence (CE-LIF) further improves the above-mentioned technique. In the present study, fluorescein isothio-cyanate (FITC ) was used to derivatizate amino acid in very low concentration. We found that increasing de-rivatization temperature could shorten derivatization time and that the derivatizative efficiency was not differ-ent from that when experiment was performed under the traditional derivatization condition (room tempera-ture for 16 h). We also got an optimized condition of amino acid derivatization with FITC at 30℃ waterbath for 5 h. Using the optimized condition of amino acid derivatization, we investigated the changes in L- arginine (L-Arg) and L-glutamate (L-Glu) concentration in periaqueductal gradually. These changes were in correspondence with the scores of morphine withdrawal symptom.
Key words: Capillary electrophoresis;Microdialysis glutamate (Glu);Arginine (Arg); Periaqueductal gray matter ;
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Citing This Article:
Cao Junli, Zhang Yahai, Gu Jun, Zhou Wenhua, Yang Guodong, Zeng Yinming. Application of combination of capillary electrophoresis with laser-induced fluorescence:measurement of glutamate and arginine in PAG microdialytes of conscions morphine-withdrawal rats. Acta Physiol Sin 2003; 55 (5): (in Chinese with English abstract).