Differential susceptibility of naive versus cloned CD4~(+) T cells to antigen-specific and MHC-restricted anergy induction
Liu Quansheng, Zhang Ruihua, Chu Yiwei, Xiong Sidong
Department of Immunology of Shanghai Medical College of Fudan University,Key Laboratory of Molecular Medicine of Ministry of Education,Shanghai Gene Immunization & Vaccine Research Center.Shanghai 200032
The results showed that anergy was successfully induced in the cloned HNT-TCR transgenic CD4~(+) T cells. It was determined that the induced anergy was antigen- and MHC-specific. By contrast, anergy was not observed in freshly purified naive CD4~(+) transgenic T cell sunder the same conditions. The results suggest that naive CD4~(+) T cells may have different anergy inducing requirements, or that cloned CD4~(+) T cells may have certain priming or in vitro cloning artifact which makes them more susceptible to anergy induction. We propose that induction of T cell anergy may depend on the T cell growth, activation and differentiation state or cloning conditions. The results from the present study may have important implications for the study of the mechanism(s) underlying T cell anergy induction in vivo and for applications of immune tolerance based therapy.
Key words: Anergy;ECDI;HNT-TCR transgenic mice;CD4~(+) T cell clone;Proliferative response
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Citing This Article:
Liu Quansheng, Zhang Ruihua, Chu Yiwei, Xiong Sidong. Differential susceptibility of naive versus cloned CD4~(+) T cells to antigen-specific and MHC-restricted anergy induction. Acta Physiol Sin 2003; 55 (6): (in Chinese with English abstract).