Effect of peroxynitrite on the reactivity of rabbit pulmonary arteries in vitro
Gu Zhenyong, Ling Yiling, Xu Xiaohu, Meng Aihong, Li Shujin
Shantou University Medical College.Shantou 515031,Guangdong;China
Relaxations of PARs to ACh, calcium ionophore A23187 and ADP were markedly impaired with shift of accumulative dose-response curve of each agonist to the right. Inhibition of endothelium-dependent and receptor-dependent or independent relaxation by ONOO~(-) was dose-dependent. ONOO~(-) incubation inhibited SNP-induced relaxation in a dose-dependent manner. Contractile response of PARs to PE varied with the different doses of ONOO~(-). In PARs pre-incubated with 0.5 mmol/L ONOO~(-), contractile response was significantly enhanced with shift of PE accumulative dose-response curve to the left, whereas in PARs pre-incubated with 1.0 mmol/L or 2.0 mmol/L ONOO~(-), it was markedly reduced with right shift of PE accumulative dose-response curve. Vehicle of ONOO~(-) had no effect on responses to each agonist. Decomposed ONOO~(-) had minimal effect on the response to PE and ADP, in contrast, relaxation of PARs to ACh, A23187 and SNP were enhanced. These results indicate that ONOO~(-) may contribute to regulatory disorder of pulmonary artery reactivity.
Key words: Peroxynitrite pulmonary;Artery;Vasorelaxation;Contractile response
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Citing This Article:
Gu Zhenyong, Ling Yiling, Xu Xiaohu, Meng Aihong, Li Shujin. Effect of peroxynitrite on the reactivity of rabbit pulmonary arteries in vitro. Acta Physiol Sin 2003; 55 (4): (in Chinese with English abstract).