Changes in neural cell adhesion molecule mRNA expression and protein level in the CA1 region of the hippocampus during long term potentiation induction and maintenance
Hu Zhian, Tan Yinling, Luo Jun, Li Haidi, Li Xicheng, Yu Zhengping
Department of Physiology,Third Military Medical University.Chongqing 400038;China;Department of Occupational Health,Third Military Medical University.Chongqing 400038
The results showed that the number of NCAM mRNA positive labelled neurons significantly increased (76.6±11.5 neurons) 10 min after tetanus when the slope of fEPSP markedly increased. The level of NCAM protein also increased significantly (7.190±0.64 arbitrary unit/50 #mu#g protein) 10 min after tetanus. The number of NCAM mRNA positive labelled neurons no longer changed (73.3±14.0) 1 h after tetanus, however, the NCAM protein level (9.031±0.71) at 1 h after tetanus was higher than that at 10 min after tetanus. Moreover, the NMDA receptor inhibitor AP-5, which blocked LTP, prevented the increase in NCAM mRNA expression and NCAM protein level. The results demonstrate that NCAM mRNA expression maintains a high level, whereas NCAM protein changes from a low level to high level during induction and maintenance of LTP.
Key words: long term potentiation;neural cell adhesion molecules;Hippocampus;Rats
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Hu Zhian, Tan Yinling, Luo Jun, Li Haidi, Li Xicheng, Yu Zhengping. Changes in neural cell adhesion molecule mRNA expression and protein level in the CA1 region of the hippocampus during long term potentiation induction and maintenance. Acta Physiol Sin 2004; 56 (1): (in Chinese with English abstract).