The factors affecting Rubisco assembly and the reaction mechanism in pea
Chen Genyun, Xiao Yuanzhen, Li Liren
Shanghai Institute of Plant Physiology,Chinese Academy of Sciences.Shanghai 200032
The process of assembly was inhibited apparently by the presence of K~(+) (5 mmol/L) in the assay medium, and was inhibited almost completely (-90%) when the concentration of K~(+) reached 40 mmol/L. Assembly was not inhibited when K~(+) was replaced by Na~(+) at the same concentration. It shows that K~(+) is able to trigger the changes in LS conformation which hinders the assembly process.
Key words: Rubisco;Asse mbly;Intermediates;Hydroxyl radical;low-molecular weight(LMW)protein incomponents;Confor mation
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Citing This Article:
Chen Genyun, Xiao Yuanzhen, Li Liren. The factors affecting Rubisco assembly and the reaction mechanism in pea. Acta Physiol Sin 2001; 53 (5): (in Chinese with English abstract).