The effect of moisture content and storage temperature on onion seed longevity
Zhu Cheng, Zeng Guangwen, Jing Xinming, Lin Jian, Zheng Guanghua, Wu Ping
College of Life Science,Zhejiang University.Hangzhou 310029,Zhejiang;China
These results show that aging results in a general deterioration of seed cells or organization, and that these changes can be slowed by drying seeds to moisture contents as low as 3.4%.
Key words: Onion seed;Seed longevity;Seed storage;Moisture content;Temperature;Lipid peroxidation;Lipoxygenase;Antioxidant enzyme
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Zhu Cheng, Zeng Guangwen, Jing Xinming, Lin Jian, Zheng Guanghua, Wu Ping. The effect of moisture content and storage temperature on onion seed longevity. Acta Physiol Sin 2001; 53 (3): (in Chinese with English abstract).