Changes of IAA, ABA and MDA contents and activities of SOD and POD in the course of abscission of young cotton bolls
Li Lingli, Yang Qinghua, Li Wen
Agronomy College,Henan Agricultural University.Zhengzhou 450002,Henan
During the abscission of the young cotton bolls by removing the opposite leaf or removing stigma to prevent fertilized treatment, the content of ABA, MDA and the activity of SOD increased gradually and reached its maximum just prior to abscission of the young boll, while these indexes varied gently in the normal one; but the content of IAA decreased gradually; which was obviously lower than the normal one; SOD activity tend to rise and abviously higher than the normal one during the early 3 days after bloom, thereafter that decreased gradully. Accumulation of superoxide radical and membrane-lipid peroxidation damage caused by it disturbed the balance between endogenous hormones, which was probable one of the important factors to lead the abscission of young cotton bolls.
Key words: Young cotton boll;Abscission;Membrane-lipid peroxidation;IAA;ABA;SOD;POD
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Citing This Article:
Li Lingli, Yang Qinghua, Li Wen. Changes of IAA, ABA and MDA contents and activities of SOD and POD in the course of abscission of young cotton bolls. Acta Physiol Sin 2001; 53 (3): (in Chinese with English abstract).