Changes in the state of phosphorylation of DARPP-32 of gerbil striatum during ischemia
Sun Yafeng, Tang Fangming, Wang Ran, Zhang Guangyi, Jin Guozhang
Research Center of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,Xuzhou Medical College.Xuzhou 221002,Jiangsu;China
Transient forebrain ischemia had no effect on the immunoreaction of DARPP-32 in striatum, but the state of phosphorylation of DARPP-32 showed a significant change. The [~(32)P] phosphate incorporation in DARPP-32 decreased after 2, 7 or 10 min of ischemia, but increased after a 5-min ischemia. In contrast, the result of back-phosphorylation in vivo was opposite to that obtained in vitro.
Key words: Cerebral ischemia;Mongolian gerbil;DARPP-32;Back phosphoiylation;Striatum
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Citing This Article:
Sun Yafeng, Tang Fangming, Wang Ran, Zhang Guangyi, Jin Guozhang. Changes in the state of phosphorylation of DARPP-32 of gerbil striatum during ischemia. Acta Physiol Sin 2001; 53 (2): (in Chinese with English abstract).