Correlation between enhanced anoxic tolerance induced by hypoxic preconditioning and the stability of mitochondrial membrane potential in cultured hypothalamic cells
Wu Liying, Ding Aishi, Ma Qiang, Wang Fuzhuang, Fan Ming
Institute of Basic Medical Sciences,Academy of Military Medical Sciences.Beijing 100850
The results suggest that hypoxic preconditioning can enhance the tolerance of hypothalamic cells to anoxia, and the underlying mechanism may be related to increased stability of MMP. Overexpression of bcl-2 induced by hypoxic preconditioning may play a role in sustaining the stability of MMP.
Key words: Hypoxic preconditioning;Anoxic tolerance;Hypothalamic cells;MMP;bcl- 2
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Citing This Article:
Wu Liying, Ding Aishi, Ma Qiang, Wang Fuzhuang, Fan Ming. Correlation between enhanced anoxic tolerance induced by hypoxic preconditioning and the stability of mitochondrial membrane potential in cultured hypothalamic cells. Acta Physiol Sin 2001; 53 (2): (in Chinese with English abstract).