Integrin-ligands binding reaction upregulates the antioxidant activity of rabbit bronchial epithelial cells
Qin Xiaoqun, Xiang Yang, Guan Chaxiang, Zhang Changqing, Sun Xiuhong
Department of Physiology,Xiangya Medical School,University of South-Central China.Changsha 410078,Hunan
The data suggest that the binding of integrin with extracellular matrix can upregulate activity of antioxidant enzymes, and increase the content of GSH and improve the ability of BECs to resist oxidant injury.
Key words: bronchial epithelial cells;integrin;fibronectin;antioxidant enzymes;glutathione
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Citing This Article:
Qin Xiaoqun, Xiang Yang, Guan Chaxiang, Zhang Changqing, Sun Xiuhong. Integrin-ligands binding reaction upregulates the antioxidant activity of rabbit bronchial epithelial cells. Acta Physiol Sin 2001; 53 (1): (in Chinese with English abstract).