Effect of halothane on the muscarinic potassium current of the heart
Zang Weijin, Yu Xiaojiang, Zang Yimin
Division of Cardiovascular Physiology and Pharmacology, Xi^an Medical Univesity. Xian 710061,Shaanxi;China
Acetycholine (ACh) released from parasympathetic nerves binds to muscarinic (M2)ACh receptro (mAChR) in the heart,which leads to activation of muscarinic K~(+) channel via the #Beta# #gamma# subunit of a Gprotein
Key words: General anaesthetics;Heart;Potassium channels;Acetylcholine
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Citing This Article:
Zang Weijin, Yu Xiaojiang, Zang Yimin. Effect of halothane on the muscarinic potassium current of the heart. Acta Physiol Sin 2000; 52 (2): (in Chinese with English abstract).