In vitro regulation of the ethanol catabolism ability of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) cells
Zheng Yingdong, Yang Yuesheng, Chen Yufen, Yang Jun
College of Biotechnology,South China Agricultural University.Guangzhou 510642,Guangdong
The regulatory effects of some key factors on the ethanol catabolism ability (ECA) of tobacco cells were investigated using cells cultured on medium supplemented with ethanol. Among the five kinds of auxin analogues and two kinds of cytokinins tested, IBA 4 mg/L with kinetin 0.05 mg/L was the most effective hormone combination for stimulating the ECA, while NAA 2 mg/L within kinetin 0.25 mg/L was the most effective one for supporting the cell growth under ethanol stress. Raising the concentrations of vitamins in the media was found to be conducive to the ECA of the cells. By transferring cells consequently to media with progressively increasing levels of ethanol concentration, the cells could be induced to stand higher concentrations of ethanol with an enhanced ECA. The results obtained in the present experiments can be applied to the preparation of proper tobacco cells materials for the isolation of enzymes in the ethanol catabolism pathway.
Key words: Ethanol metabolism;In vitro culture;Nicotiana tabacum;Plant hormone
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Citing This Article:
Zheng Yingdong, Yang Yuesheng, Chen Yufen, Yang Jun. In vitro regulation of the ethanol catabolism ability of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) cells. Acta Physiol Sin 2000; 52 (1): (in Chinese with English abstract).