Expression of citrate transporter mRNA in the kidneys of rats with metabolic acidosis
Wu Di, Chen Xiangmei, Ye Yizhou, Cheng Qingli, Wang Jianzhong
Division of Nephrology,General Hospital of Chinese PLA.Beijing 100853
It is concluded that metabolic acidosis can induce increase of Na~(+)/citrate cotransporter mRNA, which may be responsible for hypocitraturia.
Key words: Citrate transporter;Acidosis;Kidney
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Citing This Article:
Wu Di, Chen Xiangmei, Ye Yizhou, Cheng Qingli, Wang Jianzhong. Expression of citrate transporter mRNA in the kidneys of rats with metabolic acidosis. Acta Physiol Sin 2000; 52 (1): (in Chinese with English abstract).