Modulation of the secretion of active renin in human decidual cells by progesterone
Yan Jianshe, Guo Lianghao, Liu Jiang, Wang Hong
State Key Laboratory of Reproductive Biology,Institute of Zoology,Chinese Academy of Sciences.Beijing 100080
The synthesis and secretion of active renin were regulated by progesterone in incubated decidual cells. These data indicate that a high level of active renin in decidual tissue at early pregnancy plays an important role in the uterine renin-angiotensin system during pregnancy.
Key words: Progesterone;Renin;Gestation;Human decidua
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Citing This Article:
Yan Jianshe, Guo Lianghao, Liu Jiang, Wang Hong. Modulation of the secretion of active renin in human decidual cells by progesterone. Acta Physiol Sin 1999; 51 (2): (in Chinese with English abstract).