The excitatory effects of histamine on cerebellar cortical Purkinje cells in the rat
Tian Le, Wen Yunqing, Li Hongzhao, Xiong Huabao, Wang Jianjun
Department of Biological Science and Technology,Nanjing University.Nanjing 210093,Jiangsu
The effects of histamine on Purkinje cells (PCs) in lobule X of cerebellar cortex were investigated in rat cerebellar slices. Histamine elicited PCs^ responses predominately excitatory (94.4%,51/54), only few inhibitory (5.6%,3/54). Results suggest that histamine exerts an excitatory effect on the PCs via H_(2) receptors. Presumably, hypothalamo-cerebellar histaminergic fibers participate in the regulation of somatic and non-somatic functions of the cerebellum.
Key words: Histamine;Cerebellar Purkinje cell;Hypothalamocerebellar histaminergic fibers;Cerebellar slice;
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Citing This Article:
Tian Le, Wen Yunqing, Li Hongzhao, Xiong Huabao, Wang Jianjun. The excitatory effects of histamine on cerebellar cortical Purkinje cells in the rat. Acta Physiol Sin 1999; 51 (2): (in Chinese with English abstract).