Study of formula for calculating body surface areas of the Chinese adults
Hu Yongmei, Wu Xiaoluo, Hu Zhihong, Ren Aihong, Wei Xiuqian, Wang Xinchao, Wang Yuruo
Luoyang Medical College.Luoyang 471003,Henan;China
The body surface area of 100 Chinese Adults (50 for each sex) was measured with the paper cast method and compared to the results estimated by the Stevenson^s "height-weight-surface" formula. Our results shows that Stevenson^s formula is no longer suitable for the Chinese.
Key words: Body surface area;Body height;Body weight;Stevenson's formula
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Hu Yongmei, Wu Xiaoluo, Hu Zhihong, Ren Aihong, Wei Xiuqian, Wang Xinchao, Wang Yuruo. Study of formula for calculating body surface areas of the Chinese adults. Acta Physiol Sin 1999; 51 (1): 45-48 (in Chinese with English abstract).