Neural structural relations between the chemosensitive areas of the ventrolateral medullary surface and the medullary nuclei in rats
Tian Guofeng, Qian Ziwen, Su Qingfen, Zhang Jingru
Department of Physiology, Shanghai Medical University. Shanghai 200032
After HRP application to the rostral area (n=10), quite a number of labelled cells were distributed at the ventrolateral part of the nucleus of trapezoid body (Tz), the lateroventral periolivary nucleus (LVPO) and the retrotrapezoid nucleus (NRT). After HRP application to the caudal area (n=10), HRP labelled cells were mainly located at the lateral reticular nucleus (LRt) and the ventral part of at the lateral paragigantocellular nucleus LPGi. After HRP application to the intermediate area (n=6), only 8HRP labelled cells were observed at the (LPGi) in 6rats. After HRP application to the control area (n=4), only 6HRP labelled cells were found at the rostral ventrolateral reticular nucleus (RVL).
Key words: Central chemoreception;Ventrolateral medullary surface;Chemosensitive areas
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Tian Guofeng, Qian Ziwen, Su Qingfen, Zhang Jingru. Neural structural relations between the chemosensitive areas of the ventrolateral medullary surface and the medullary nuclei in rats. Acta Physiol Sin 1995; 47 (5): (in Chinese with English abstract).