ISSN 0371-0874, CN 31-1352/Q

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Effect of electrical stimulation of a fferent renal nerve on arterial blood pressure, heart rate and vasopressin in rabbits

Lu Min, Wei Shunguang, Cai Xiangshu

Department of Physiology, Shandong Academy of Medical Sciences. Jinan 250001,Shandong


During the course of the experiment, the pathway of ARN to central nerve system was also analyzed. The results showed that electrical stimulation of ARN to central nerve system was also analyzed. The results showed that electrical stimulation of ARN elicited significantly decrease of mean arteral blood pressure and heart rate as well as inhibition of cervical sympathetic nerve activity. In the event of the above physiological changes, the AVP concentration in supraoptic nucleus (SON), paraventricular nucleus (PVN) and plasma was increased, but that in hypophysis was decreased. Injection of sodium nitropruside (SNP) or AVPa indicated that increase of AVP release was due directly to stimulatioin of ARN. Nodose ganglionectomy or transversal section of spinal cord at different levels suggested that the main afferent pathway of ARN to higher level of central nerve system entered into spinal cord at T_(5)-L_(2).

Key words: Afferent renal nerve;Vasopressin;Mean arteral blood pressure;Heart rate

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Citing This Article:

Lu Min, Wei Shunguang, Cai Xiangshu. Effect of electrical stimulation of a fferent renal nerve on arterial blood pressure, heart rate and vasopressin in rabbits. Acta Physiol Sin 1995; 47 (5): (in Chinese with English abstract).