Effects of #alpha#_(1)-adrenergic receptor subtypes activation on proliferation of smooth muscle cells in rabbit aorta
Li Yang, Han Qide
The Third School of Clinical Medicine, Beijing Medical University. Beijing 100083
The effect of #alpha#_(1)-Adrenoceptor (#alpha_(1)-AR) and its subtypes, #alpha#_(1A) and #alpha#_(1B), activation on the proliferation of cultured vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC) was studied by [~(3}H]-thymidine (~(3)H-TdR) incorporation and in situ hybridization. Norepinephrine (NE) promotes DNA synthesis of VSMC. The action was induced by activation of #alpha#_(1A)-AR subtype and increase of c-fos gene expression. However, the DNA synthesis was inhibited by activation of #alpha#_(1B)-AR subtype. There was a synergetic effect on VSMC DNA synthesis between NE and neuropeptide Y (NPY). But only additional effect was found between NE and Ang II. More over, it was fonund that #alpha#&&(1B)-AR subtype showed significant constitutive inhibitory effect on VSMC DNA synthesis.
Key words: #alpha#_(1)-adrenoceptor;Receptor subtypes;Smooth muscle cell;Proliferation;Blood vessel
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Citing This Article:
Li Yang, Han Qide. Effects of #alpha#_(1)-adrenergic receptor subtypes activation on proliferation of smooth muscle cells in rabbit aorta. Acta Physiol Sin 1995; 47 (5): (in Chinese with English abstract).